There are many different types of pests that infest homes and businesses on a regular basis. These pests range from rodents to mosquitoes to termites and many others. Including in these pests are stored goods invaders. These are usually insects that attempt to eat the food that we store in our pantries and storage areas. They feed on human food, mostly grains, cereals and flours. One of the most important stored goods pest that tends to attack our foods is the common cockroach. Cockroaches are especially bad during the winter time, when they are more likely to come inside. Let’s explore these pests in greater detail.
Cockroaches are a tropical insect. They originated near the equator where the climate is very warm. Because of this, these insects need warmer temperatures to survive. They don’t do well in cold climates. But this hasn’t stop the cockroach from infesting areas all across the world. They’ve used ships and pallets to go to every corner of the known world. Being that humans also like heat, they find themselves often in our homes and businesses in order to survive.
Cockroaches have not only adapted to our environment, but also to the foods that we eat. The sugars, flours and fats that they find in our storage areas are very nutritious for them. Even dropping just a small drop of peanut butter or vegetable oil can feed these insects for a long time. Because they find so much food in our homes, they often will reproduce very quickly. In the natural world, these insects are the food at the bottom of the food chain. They are a large source of protein for many predators. To combat this, the cockroach reproduces prolifically. It’s because of this that we often find large infestations in in our homes in businesses.
Cockroaches go through an incomplete metamorphosis. This means that they begin as eggs, and then once they hatch, they hatch as nymphs. A nymph is a smaller version of the full grown adult insect, as opposed to a larvae that will later pupate. This nymph will molt a number of times before it becomes a full grown reproductive adult. The process of molting is where the insect sheds its exoskeleton. Cockroaches need to do this because, as they grow, the exoskeleton gets to a point where it can no longer grow larger. If the cockroach does not molt its exoskeleton, it will outgrow it and die. Some pesticides use this as a mode of action. They will make it so that the cockroach can’t create the chitin that is required to create a new exoskeleton. By doing so, they stop young cockroaches from growing into full adults.
In Oklahoma, you will often find four different types of cockroach that will infest peoples homes. These cockroaches are the German cockroach, the Brown Banded cockroach, the American cockroach and the Oriental cockroach. Of these, the German cockroach is the most common. It’s a brown cockroach that is small in size and commonly stays low to the ground. This cockroach loves to infest appliances and cupboards, eating anything that it can find and reproducing as fast as it can. The second most common cockroaches are the Brown Banded cockroach. These cockroaches are usually found higher up on the walls and ceiling. These are noted by a brown band across their abdomen. Both of these types of cockroaches actively seek out to live inside our homes, feed on our food and nest in our walls and appliances.
The American cockroach and the Oriental cockroach, on the other hand, are predominantly outdoor insects. These two cockroaches are much larger in size than the German and the Brown Banded cockroach. The American cockroach is one of the largest species in North America, coming in between two and three inches long. This cockroach loves damp, dark areas where it can survive and feed on trash and sewage. Cockroaches are the bottom feeders of the food chain. They will eat the refuse and droppings of other animals and carcasses of things that have died. The American cockroach fits that bill precisely. The Oriental cockroach is a little smaller but more black and fatter. This cockroach prefers drainage ditches and darker areas with lots of moisture. Both of these cockroaches don’t really seek out our homes for a harborage place, but will find their way in if they can find a water source in your home. Often plumbing leaks and condensation will draw them in. If you see these cockroaches in your house, it’s most often not only time to call your Tulsa exterminator, but also a plumber.
Eliminating cockroach infestation‘s can be difficult. There are many over-the-counter remedies that can have a limited effect. The problem with cockroaches is the fact that they can reproduce so quickly. Because of this, one must completely eliminate up to 97% of the population before the infestation is really under control. Sprays and roach motels purchased at hardware stores usually are not enough to take care of an issue like this. It’s important to get your Broken Arrow pest control company involved as early as possible. The sooner an infestation can be treated, the sooner it can be eliminated. Many sprays that are found over the counter are repellent sprays. These repellents force cockroaches into the walls, where they can reproduce even quicker. In many cases, sprays like this can result in a worst infestation then when you started. Contact your local Broken Arrow exterminator as soon as possible for help.
Cockroach issues can be difficult, but can be brought under control with a good Tulsa pest control company. TermMax Pest Control is the best in the business. We service the greater Tulsa area including Broken Arrow, Sapulpa, Sand Springs, Owasso, Coweta, Claremore, Catoosa, Prattville, Jenks, Bixby and much more. Call us today! We’re here to help!