Fleas are an issue that you and your Tulsa exterminator can handle together. These insects attack our pets and loved ones. They are bloodsucking parasites that eat away at our comfort and peace of mind, not to mention the comfort and piece of mind of our pets. Fleas can make life very uncomfortable for your dog or cat and make your life miserable. Not only is this true, but these insects also can spread diseases that can cause all sorts of issues in your pets. So in this article, let’s take a good hard look at fleas, their lifecycle of what you and your Tulsa exterminator can do to protect yourselves from them.


Because fleas are blood feeders, they use sucking mouth parts in order to draw blood from their victims. When they do this, in some cases, they can regurgitate blood back into the system. This causes a situation where fleas can pass diseases from animal to animal. Not only can they pass them to your pets, but they can also pass these diseases to us as humans. 

The black plague is a good example of a disease that was passed from flees to humans. Rats became infected with a bacterium that caused the black plague. When fleas would bite these rats, they would ingest the bacteria. Then they would bite humans passing the disease onto us. This caused millions of people to die in the middle ages throughout Europe. Even today, the black plague still shows up and parts of the southern part of America. While it is now treatable, it’s important to contact your physician if you think you’re having a problem with the black plague.

Another issue that can be caused by fleas is anemia. Small dogs and cats can often be overrun by flea bites. When this happens, their blood count can get a dangerously low. This anemia can not only cause your animal to be lethargic and slow, but also create a dangerous situation for your pets. These diseases are terrible, and can be very dangerous for not only your pets, but also for you as well. Getting bit by fleas is no fun, but the diseases past by them can be very dangerous. So it’s important that you contact your Tulsa exterminator for help with fleas when you have them in your home.


Fleas develop using a complete metamorphosis. This means that they are born from an egg and then continue through three more sections of their lifecycle. The four sections of the lifecycle are the egg, the larva, the pupa, and the adult. Once the egg hatches, the larva will emerge. This is a worm like structure that will live and survive on the ground around the high traffic areas and bedding areas of your pet. The droppings from the adult fleas will fall off of the host animal as they scratch. These droppings are food for the larva, giving them sustenance by the dried blood that is still found inside them. As they grow and develop from this food, they will eventually go to the point which they need to move on to the next stage of life.

Once it is time to move into the pupa stage, they will start to gather hair and dirt and other things from around them in order to create a cocoon. Much like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, these insects will cocoon up and start to develop into an adult. Once they complete the development inside the cocoon, they will wait until they sense the heat and vibration of a host animal nearby. When this host animal comes, they will break out of a cocoon as a full grown adult, ready to find their way onto the host animal and continue their lifecycle. Contact your Tulsa exterminator for help with fleas.


For fleas adult part of their lifecycle, the host animal is the most important place that they need to get to. Those animals a source of food for fleas, it gives them the opportunity to meet other adult fleas that they can mate with, and will provide the heat that is necessary for them to overwinter through the cold winter months. How do they get on this house animal? They’ll have to jump. Fleas are equipped with a very strong pair of hind legs. These legs can throw them far into the air and get them to land on the host animal. Once on the host animal, they’re ready to go and find a mate.

Fleas have two very unique front legs that are hinged backwards. These legs have a viselike grip that they use to hold onto the fur to keep from getting thrown off whenever the animal begins to scratch. They’re also somewhat flat so they can press themselves against the skin of the animal in order to stay low. It also will throw off the droppings of the flea in order to feed their young, whenever the host animal scratches. 


Keeping fleas outside of your home is very important. Contacting your Tulsa exterminator to come in and spray for fleas is the best way to get rid of these insects. While there are over the counter solutions, these are often ineffective because people don’t understand the flea lifecycle, and how these insects work. While you can kill the insects in their larva and adult form with pesticides, they cannot be killed in the egg and pupa stages. It’s important to contact your Tulsa exterminator for help with fleas.

If you’re dealing with fleas or any other insect, it is time to call a Tulsa exterminator for help. Here at TermMax Pest Control, we are the best in the business when it comes to fleas or other pests. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Turley, Jenks, Wash, Bixby, Claremore, Catoosa, Coweta, and so much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!

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