One of the most ubiquitous pests in the insect world is the cockroach. It is found around the world in homes and businesses. This tropical pest is resilient, cunning and effective. But we often wonder how cockroaches travel? These crawlers prefer dark moist areas such as plumbing and wall voids to move. They also can hitch a ride off an unsuspecting person’s clothing.
Understanding their habits and ways of movement can help in many ways. With this, we can find more effective ways of controlling them, and keep them were they belong. Cockroaches are an important source of food for many animals in the ecosystem. But we just need them to play this role outside our homes.
Cockroaches can move in from many places. They may have been in your home before you moved in, or hitched a ride on a moving box or paper bag. They may have migrated from a neighbor’s home, or been stirred up from construction down the street. It only takes one pregnant female roach to start an infestation, so caution is advised.
Cockroaches love paper and cardboard. It’s a good idea to inspect all paper bags and boxes before they enter your home. Gaps around plumbing should be sealed up with caulk or foam to keep them out. Any cracks in foundation or masonry can also be entry points for these creatures. All these ways are how cockroaches travel. These pests are particularly fast, with a top speed of about 1.7 miles an hour.
Cockroaches are a tropical pest, preferring warm climates. They are considered thigmotropic, meaning that they like to have something solid against their bodies. Because of this, roaches are often found in cracks, crevasses and any gap that they can cram themselves into. And preferring warmer climates, these creatures will find warm areas, such as electric motors in appliances and exhaust vents to hang out in.
Water leaks and spilt food will supply a buffet for any cockroach population. That’s why sanitation is so important when trying to contain infestations. Harborage can be identified by the little black dots found on the walls and under appliances. These spots are feces left by these little critters. Usually, a food, water or heat source will be found on or near harborage places. Moving furniture and appliances and cleaning hard to reach places can help keep these potential harborage to a minimum.
The german cockroach, which is by far the most common species, can be found in many homes. They prefer the dark, moist places that are between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Kitchens and bathrooms are favorite hiding places for these roaches. The brown banded cockroach prefers it to be a little warmer, around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They like to hide in higher places, such as behind clocks and paintings. You may also see their egg casings on walls and ceilings, or by the kitchen sink.
American cockroaches are found in some homes, but often can be seen in restaurants and businesses. They love sewers and pipes, and are found often in boiler rooms and other heat generating equipment. They are much larger than the other three types of cockroaches found here. The oriental cockroach prefers the outdoors. It enjoys drainage ditches and sewers. We seldom see them in homes, unless there is a plumbing issue.
With the help of an experienced exterminator, cockroaches can be controlled, and eliminated from most homes. Now that you understand how cockroaches travel, Contacting Us is the next step. The technicians here at TermMax Pest Control can get you a free estimate, and have your home bug free in no time!