If you suspect termites are attacking your home and it’s time to call a Tulsa pest control company Tulsa pest control company exterminator, they can do the job right. Termites are wood, destroying insect and prey upon our homes and structures that are built from wood, paper, and other plant-based items. While these insects are very important to our ecosystem, they can become a pest if they invade our homes. In order to keep them from damaging your home is important. We understand some basic facts about them. In this article, let’s talk about termites, the life cycle, and what you and your Tulsa pest control company can do to stop them from damaging your home.
Termites are very unique, and the fact that they can break down wood into usable energy for their bodies. They can do this because the special enzymes found in the gut the breaks down the cellulose portion of wood. The seller of wood is broken down to two parts, there’s cellulose and lignin. The majority of the cells made up of the cellulose. I as the insect eats this it breaks down that cellulose in its gut and use it for energy. But this enzyme is not easily found nor past two is young. A process known as truffle axis is used to pass the enzyme from adult to young. The worker termites will feed, the young nymph termites from the droppings straight out of their anus. By doing this, not only do they get the nourishment of undigested cellulose in the droppings, but also the enzymes found in the gut.
Because termites can consume wouldn’t find themselves doing it, they will feed on the wood in your home. Often shingles siding studs even the gypsum board that your drywall is made out of can be eaten by these insects. While they’re good at eating they’re not necessarily as good being outside in the open air.
Termites are very susceptible to drying out. In order to stay alive they must remain in a humid environment and the outside air is not human enough of this. A termite finding themselves on the outside air will dry out and die within a matter of minutes. the underground air from there is much more humid and more adaptive for the eastern subterranean termite. So in order to protect itself, the termites will build my tubes at the side of cement walls or trees, in order to travel up things to forage for food, and to bring their food back to the colony. Contact your Tulsa pest control company for more information.
Termites are social insect and live in a colony. These insects gather together in huge populations numbering sometimes in the millions in order to meet a common goal. They split up the work that needs to be done in the colony to support it with a system of casts. In the termite cast we have, the reproductive, the soldier and the worker cast. Reproductive exactly as they say. They lay all the eggs and maintain the population of the colony. Soldiers will protect the colony in case of invasion. Workers will do all the other word is necessary to keep the colony going.
Well, reproductive, headed by the queen, will produce all the eggs they’re necessary to keep the population going, the reproductive caste also tasked with reproducing the colony as a whole. Creating a new colony is something done by a secondary reproductive. These insects are called Swarmers. They are a heartier version of the regular termite that can survive out in the open air without drying out. They are also equipped with wings. Hence the name. Once a year in the late spring, these insects will leave the colony through special tubes that are open to the open air.
These swarming tubes will be climbed up and then the bugs were exit flying out into the night. Termites were swarm in large numbers Out in the middle of a field or some other place. The swimmers will pair up and then find a place to land and create their new colony. They’ll first dig out what’s known as the royal chamber which will be the first part of this brand new colony. Then they will mates and the female will start laying eggs. The king will now maintain the eggs as a worker until those eggs hatch and come to full adulthood. Then those workers will replace the king and he will die contact your Tulsa pest control for more information. Your Tulsa pest control can help.
Treating for termites consist of one of two different methods. There are liquid treatments and there are bait station treatments. Liquid treatments are some of the oldest treatments that we’ve had and I’ve quite effective. They consist of creating a barrier all the way around the exterior structure normally keep termites from attacking destruction. Termites will forage for food in the top 6 inches of the soil.
So order to protect the house, your Tulsa pest control company will dig a trench all the way around your home and fill with pesticide. Space I will drain down into the dirt, and then the trench will be refilled with a pacified pesticide treated backfill dirt. In places were cement comes up to the side of the building, holes will be drilled every foot and this pesticide will be injected underneath the slab. It will create a barrier all the way around the house, protecting it from termites.
Another method for protecting your house is using bait stations. These stations are buried in the top 18 inches of the soil, the regular increments all the way around the building. When the termites come up to the building, they will find the bait stations and take the bait back to their colony, wiping out the colony.
If you’re having an issue with termites or any other pest control problems time to call your Tulsa pest control company. Here at Terminix pest control we are the best in business when it comes to deal with termites or any other insects. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Owasso, Turley, Jenks, Bixby, Broken Arrow, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Prattville, Coweta, Claremore, Catoosa, and much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!