Termites can be dealt with with your Tulsa pest control company. Termites are a wood destroying insect that destroy up to millions of dollars worth of real estate every year in America alone. These insects are relentless in their pursuit of wood and other cellulose products. Keeping them out of your home is very important because in many cases your home is your largest investment that you will invest in. Termites can make structural damage and unsightly mud tubes and other kinds of damage in your home. So in this article, let us take a good hard look at termites, their lifecycle and what you and and your Tulsa pest control company can do to protect your home from these wintering insects.
Termites eat wood. This is a well-known fact by most people. What’s not well known is the actual substance that they’re attempting to get from this wood. The cells of a piece of wood consist of two separate parts. There’s lignen, and there is cellulose in this wood. Termites are seeking after the cellulose in these wood cells. The lignin will pass through the insect and be thrown out of the colony. Inside the hindgut of the Termite is a special enzyme that works symbiotically with the termite. It can break down the cellulose into a usable energy source for these insects. This is what makes termites so unique is the fact that they one of only a few species that can use wood as a fuel source.
These insects use an incomplete metamorphosis to develop. This means that they start as a nymph or smaller version of the adult termite. As they grow, they have to molt, or shed their exoskeleton in order to develop into full grown termites. Whenever they molt, part of their hind gut is actually removed from their bodies. This means that they lose a good portion of the enzyme necessary to break down cellulose. In order to replenish this enzyme, they must get it from one of their sister termites. These insects will then feed from the anus of another worker termite. This way, they will not only to receive the sustenance of undigested cellulose, but also some of the enzyme in order to rebuild it’s gut biome. This gives termites the ability to break down wood once again. Contact your Tulsa pest-control company for more information.
Here in northeastern Oklahoma, the number one termite that we see is Eastern Subterranean Termite. Like many other termites, Eastern Subterranean Termites must remain in a humid environment in order to survive. To do this, the Eastern Subterranean Termite stays underground where the air is much more humid. In order to forage for food above ground, it must build mud tubes up the side of a building or tree to get to the wood and cellulose that it needs. These mud tubes can be a sign that you’re having an issue with termites. If you are seeing them going up the side of your foundation or anywhere else in or on your house, then you have an issue.
Sometimes cracks in the foundation or another seams can allow termites to come in to places that we can’t necessarily see. If a group of termites come up inside a wall, you may have termites attacking the drywall and studs in your wall without you knowing it. It would be impossible to see the mud tubes because they’re inside the wall. As the termites eat the paper and gypsum of the drywall, they start to weaken the drywall. Afterwards, you can often feel these weak spots in the wall if you lightly press upon them. This is another sign that you may have a termite issue. If you are seeing any of these signs, then its time to call a Tulsa Pest Control company that can help you with termites.
The termite colony must reproduce in the end, not only their individuals, but the entire colony as well. Now to do this once a year, these colonies will produce a special kind of termite known as a swarmer. These termites are much hardier than the average termite that we often find. They will fly out of the colony sometime in April and May and search out a large swarm of like-minded flying termites of the same species. They will pair up and find a place to create a new colony. Once they land, these flying termites will lose their wings and begin to dig out a royal chamber, or the beginnings of the brand new colony. Here they will mate, and then the queen will begin laying her eggs. The king will work as a worker until the first eggs hatch and he’s replaced by those workers.
If you have a termite colony, attacking your home, often the flying termites can come up inside your home. If this happens, you will have a huge swarm of flying termites in your home going straight for the windows. They are attempting to get outside but of course never make it. Because of this day, these termites will die in the windows and never find their way out. But this could be a definite sign that you’re having an issue with termites or other problems. In this case, you are going to need to call a Tulsa exterminator to come get this taken care of so that you don’t have to in the future.
If you’re having an issue with termites or any other pests, then its time to call a Tulsa pest control company that can help. Here at TermMax pest control, we are the best in the business when it comes to dealing with termites, or any other wood destroying insects. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Jenks, Bixby, Prattville, Owasso, Turley, Claremore, Catoosa, Coweta, and so much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!