Ants are tiny insects that invade our homes in search of food and water but your Broken Arrow Exterminator will help eradicate them. They are always working or searching for food and they possess a sense of communication that helps them work together. Ants are known to be farmers’ friends because they seem as busy as the farmers. They create complex structures for their nests and also seek how to provide meals for themselves. 

Ants are very hard-working and are hardly seen idle. They feed on tiny crumbs or grains of food that fall from where we eat. Their family circle consists of the queen ants, the male, the soldiers, and the baby ants, each having a specific role they play in the colony. Colonies are usually wide, covering a bigger space of a garden, this process starts bit by bit growing into a big structure enough for themselves. Ants are known to be intelligent, they invade homes for food, warmth, and shelter 

They can be aggressive when threatened by humans. There are different species of ants such as the leaf cutter ant, and carpenter.  Ants are industrious in nature making them one of the most successful and fascinating groups of insects on the planet. Also, ants loosen the soil to make movements underground in search of food and water. Contact your Broken Arrow exterminator.

Ant Family

The ant family consists of the queen which is the largest ant in the colony.  It is responsible for laying eggs. The workers are responsible for caring for the young ones while soldiers defend the colony, and the male ants are known for mating. Its social structure could be solitary, polygynous, and monogamous. There are different characteristics of ants such as their elongated body, from small to medium size with antennae of 12 segments. Their social character makes them feel along with each other caring for their young ones, being cooperative in foraging and building nests, and communicating through chemical signals. 

Understanding and appreciating their efforts in the ecosystem and taking effective methods to manage infestation. Ants infest the home, damage the crops in the gardens, contaminate food, and sting when offended. Contact your Broken Arrow exterminator.

Ant Workers and Broken Arrow Exterminator

A working ant can be seen as a sterile female member of the colony that cares for larvae and forages for food. They are resourceful and responsible for building nests and caring for queen ants. Their role includes the maintenance of the colony, its defense, and neatness. Soldier ants are larger, stronger, and have powerful mandibles working like pincers when fighting over predators that threaten the colony. 

Workers seem to have small bodies, while the fertile male ants are known as drones, the female ants are not fertile and do not have wings but some species are fertile females are reproductive without wings. In the colony, ants have different roles played, some workers tend to care for the eggs, larvae, and pupae. Colonies consist of various castes of sterile wingless females of which some are fertile. Contact your Broken Arrow exterminator. Check out our reviews!

If you’re having trouble with ants or any other pests, then it’s time to call a Broken Arrow exterminator who can help you. Here at TermMax pest control, we are the best in the business when it comes to dealing with ants, or any other pests. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Coweta, Claremore, Catoosa, Owasso, Turley, Bixby, and Jenks. Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Prattville, and so much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!

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