Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects that invade our beds and couches, feeding on our blood while we sleep. Although they do not carry any diseases that can be transmitted to humans, they are often psychologically distressing. The thought of bugs sharing your bed when you’re most vulnerable is unsettling. In this article, we’ll take a close look at bed bugs, their lifecycle, and how you and your Broken Arrow Exterminator can work together to stop these insects from invading your home.

Bed bug History and Broken Arrow Exterminator

Humans and bed bugs have a long, troubling history. Scientists believe it all started when humans slept in the bottoms of caves, where bats roosted above. Feeding on the blood of these bats were bat bugs, close relatives to bed bugs that are nearly indistinguishable. Some of these bat bugs made their way down the cave walls and began feeding on human blood, leading to the evolution of bed bugs. There are even cave paintings depicting bed bugs, and we have records from ancient Egypt, Rome, and the Middle Ages that document encounters with them.

It wasn’t until the 1940s that an effective solution was discovered: a pesticide called DDT. It killed bed bugs with remarkable efficiency, and people would soak their mattresses, sheets, and bed covers in it. However, DDT also had a dangerous downside—it caused cancer, leading to it being banned. Before DDT was banned, bed bugs had nearly been eradicated. Since then, bed bugs have made a steady comeback. If you suspect an infestation, contact your Broken Arrow Exterminator for help.

Eliminating Bed bugs

The most effective way to eliminate bed bugs is to contact your Broken Arrow Exterminator for assistance. Although there are over-the-counter solutions available, they are outdated and often ineffective. Many of these products use pyrethrins, a family of pesticides that were extensively used against bed bugs in the 1990s. However, bed bugs have since developed immunity to them, as they have with many other chemicals.  

Continuing the process with you Broken Arrow exterminator can help you eliminate all of these pests. They have all of the know how on how to eliminate them.  Some people thing that they can do it themselves.  But the expertise alone of doing this kind of work day in and day out is priceless.  Keeping that in mind, there are also many different processes and chemicals that are on the market today that are only accessible by a professional Broken Arrow Exterminator.  So its important to have every advantage possible when dealing with these insects. Call  your Broken arrow exterminator today for help. 

Your Broken Arrow Exterminator has access to cutting-edge technology and highly trained technicians who know how to handle bed bug infestations effectively. This combination makes them the perfect choice for getting rid of these stubborn insects. Contact your Broken Arrow Exterminator today for professional help with bedbugs.


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