If you think you may have fleas, it’s time to call a Broken Arrow pest control company. These small insects may be tiny, but they are a large nuisance. Fleas bite, leaving small, mosquito-like marks all over your skin, and they can also torture your pets. Left unchecked, fleas can spread diseases to both humans and animals. Keeping them at bay is of the utmost importance because fleas can be vectors of many different diseases. In this article, we will take a good hard look at fleas, their lifecycle, and how your Broken Arrow pest control company can stop these insects from becoming a problem in and around your home.

Jumping Fleas and Broken Arrow Pest Control

Once a flea has developed into an adult, it is ready to find a host animal. A host animal is critical for a flea in the adult stage because it provides everything the flea needs. The host’s blood becomes the flea’s source of food, and other fleas on the host allow for mating. Additionally, the heat of the host’s body helps fleas survive during winter months. Without a host, fleas can’t survive through winter. 

Fleas jump to find their hosts, and their jumping ability is impressive. Fleas can jump up to 50 times their height and 50 times their length. They do this using a strong muscle running down the center of their bodies, which tenses tightly like a coiled spring. When the time is right, this muscle fires, propelling the flea forward using its large back legs. These rear legs are geared together to ensure the pressure from the muscle is evenly distributed, allowing for better trajectory control. Once a flea lands on its host, it grabs onto fur with its powerful front legs, which hinge backward like scissors. This not only helps the flea land securely, but it also holds tightly to the fur even as the host animal scratches. If you’re dealing with fleas, contact your Broken Arrow pest control company for more information about effective flea management.

Dealing with Fleas

When it comes to getting rid of fleas, it’s essential to contact your Broken Arrow pest control company. Many people think they can tackle flea infestations with over-the-counter solutions from their local hardware store, but this often leads to frustration. Fleas are protected from pesticides when they are in their egg and pupal stages. This means that while you might kill the adult fleas in your home, a new generation of fleas will hatch in just a week or two, leaving you right back where you started.

Your Broken Arrow pest control company will develop a strategic treatment schedule to ensure that fleas are eliminated at every stage of their lifecycle. This approach helps to kill not only the adult fleas but also the eggs and larvae that could lead to future infestations. By using professional techniques, your Broken Arrow pest control company can ensure that the entire infestation is eradicated, saving you and your pets from ongoing irritation.

In conclusion, fleas are more than just a minor inconvenience—they can affect your pets’ health and bring discomfort into your home. If you suspect a flea infestation, don’t delay in contacting a Broken Arrow pest control company to handle the problem efficiently and effectively.

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