Fleas are pests that you can eliminate if you contact your Tulsa exterminator. Fleas are a blood feeding pest that attacks our dogs and cats. Any pet can suffer from them if they are a mammal. And in fact, in many cases, these insects can even bite humans, if given the opportunity. Fleas are a pest that can spread many different diseases, causing common discomfort and uncomfortableness in your home to you and your loved ones. So in this article, let us take a good hard look at fleas, their lifecycle, and what you and your Tulsa exterminator can do to eliminate fleas from your home.


These fleas feed upon the blood. Because of this, they can make it very uncomfortable for your pet to enjoy their life. They have a special kind of mouth parts that they use much like a syringe injecting it into the skin of the animal. They will then draw blood out feeding upon it and then remove their mouth parts. In the process, often regurgitation can happen. They can spread disease between the flea and your pet or possibly even you or one of your family members. Because of this, fleas are very dangerous when it comes to spreading diseases.

The black plague was a very dangerous disease that was spread by fleas during the middle ages. Rats were initially infected with this disease, and fleas would bite the rats. After they bite the rats, they would pick up the bacteria that causes the black plague, and then, bite humans, passing it onto them. This causes millions of people to die in Europe. Today we can treat the black plague, but it is still around and often finds its way into the southern part of America. 

In addition, anemia, could be a big problem with your pets. This is where a smaller pet gets bitten by so many different fleas that its blood count gets too low. This could be very dangerous especially for puppies or kittens. It’s important to contact your veterinarian if you’re having issues with this. And in addition, make sure and contact your Tulsa exterminator to get rid of the fleas in the first place.


The first place you need to make sure that you’re treating fleas is on your pet themselves. This is where your veterinarian comes in. They have special treatments that can be done to protect your pet from these insects. In many cases, they use a medical grade pyrethrin pesticide that somehow is applied to the skin of the animal. This pesticide will kill many of the fleas on the pet, and then the others will be repelled by it, so they’ll jump off of the pet. In this case, they will often find themselves in your home carpeting and pet bedding. This means that if you had a flea problem that was only on your pets, often you’ll find it that can be expanded to your home just by treating your animal.

But your home can be treated by a Tulsa exterminator for fleas. They will set up a schedule of treatments that will attack the flea right where they live. It also takes multiple treatments to deal with fleas because they are protected from pesticides in two specific parts of the lifecycle. When they are in their egg or pupa stage, pesticides can’t kill them. So often you’ll do a treatment and kill off all the larva and adults and then a week or two later you’ll have a resurgence of these insects. This is when your Tulsa exterminator will have to come back and treat again because the eggs and the pupas have now hatched and produced new adult fleas. Contact your Tulsa exterminator for help with fleas.


If you have heavy flea problems outside your house, or in your yard, then it may be time to have an outdoor flea treatment. While it is  impossible to eliminate every insect or every flea in your yard, keeping the populations low can help to keep your pet from being bitten. These treatments are usually fairly inexpensive, but also very effective at eliminating fleas from your yard.


As stated before these fleas go through a complete lifecycle containing four stages. The female will lay her eggs at the base of a piece of fur on the host animal originally. When the host animal scratches, these flea eggs will fall off onto the ground near their bedding or high traffic areas. Here it will hatch, and a larva will emerge. This larva will feed on the droppings of the adult flea that fall off the host animal. As this larva gets larger, it will eventually get to the point where it’s time to pupate. It will gather other pieces of dirt and fur around it until it creates a cocoon like substance around it. Inside it will develop into a full grown adult.

Once the pupa stage of the flea is done it will break free from its cocoon and be ready to find its way into a host animal. The adult flea can jump very long distances and very large heights, in order to land on a host animal. Once it is on the host animal, the host animal is going to be a source of food, a place where it can find a mate and a place for it over winter during the cold winter months. Contact your Tulsa exterminator for help with fleas.

If you’re having issues with fleas or any other insect, then it’s time to call a Tulsa exterminator, that can help. Here at TermMax pest control, we are the best in the business when it comes to dealing with fleas or any other insects. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Sand Springs, Prattville, Sapulpa, Catoosa, Claremore, Coweta, Owasso, Turley, Jenks, Bixby, and so much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!

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