Your Broken Arrow Pest Control Company can help you deal with bedbugs, which are insects that infest beds and mattresses and feed on human blood. While bedbugs don’t necessarily spread diseases, the psychological toll of knowing these pests are in your bed can be distressing. It’s important to understand how these pests operate and what your Broken Arrow Pest Control Company can do to keep them out of your home. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at bedbugs, their life cycle, and how your Broken Arrow Pest Control Company can stop them from invading your space.

Bedbug History and Broken Arrow Pest Control

Bedbugs have been with humans for thousands of years. Some cave paintings suggest that bedbugs existed even during the time of early humans. Most scientists believe that in ancient times, when humans lived in caves, bats lived above them. Bat bugs, which are close relatives of bedbugs, fed on these bats. Eventually, some of these bat bugs crawled down and began feeding on humans, giving rise to the bedbugs we know today. Over time, bedbugs have been documented by the Romans, Egyptians, and in the Middle Ages, showing their presence throughout history.

In the 1940s, a chemical called DDT was introduced as a solution to bedbugs. It was a powerful pesticide that killed almost every insect it came in contact with. People used DDT to treat their mattresses, sheets, and pillows, believing they were getting rid of bedbugs for good. While DDT was highly effective in eliminating bedbugs, it was later discovered to cause cancer. As a result, DDT was banned, but not before nearly wiping out the bedbug population. Since DDT’s removal from the market, bedbug infestations have been steadily increasing year after year. Contact your Pest Control Company for professional assistance with bedbugs today.

Keeping Bedbugs Away

To prevent bedbug infestations, your Pest Control Company has the tools and expertise necessary. They use pesticides and specialized techniques to ensure your home is bedbug-free. One highly effective method is heat treatment. Bedbugs cannot survive at temperatures above 120°F, making heat a great option for elimination. However, attempting to raise the temperature of your home to such high levels on your own can be dangerous and may pose a fire hazard. That’s why it’s essential to leave it to professionals—contact your Broken Arrow Pest Control Company for safe and effective treatment of bedbugs.

With the right strategies and professional help, bedbugs can be kept out of your home. Your Broken Arrow Pest Control Company is equipped with the knowledge and tools to ensure you can sleep soundly, free from the worry of these blood-sucking pests. Don’t let bedbugs take over—trust your local pest control experts to handle the job.

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