Bedbugs are a problem you and your Tulsa exterminator can tackle together. These insects are blood-sucking pests that feed on humans while we are asleep, usually in the middle of the night. At a time when we are most vulnerable, they take advantage and consume our blood. While bedbugs don’t typically transmit diseases, they can be a significant nuisance and a psychological burden. Keeping them at bay is of the utmost importance. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at bedbugs, their life cycle, and what you and your Tulsa exterminator can do to prevent these insects from becoming a problem.
Signs of bedbugs and the role of a Tulsa exterminator
Bedbugs are unique because they require human blood to complete their life cycle. If they are unable to feed on human blood, they can go dormant, surviving in this state for up to a year. In some cases, bedbugs will come out of dormancy and feed on the blood of another mammal to extend their survival. However, to fully progress through their life cycle, human blood is essential.
If you notice small red or black dots on your bed, you’re likely seeing evidence of bedbugs. These spots occur when a small amount of blood is left behind after they bite, or they may be fecal matter from the insect. These red and black dots are commonly found on sheets, mattress seams, and pillows. If you examine the seams of your mattress, you might also find the insects themselves. Bedbugs are small, oval-shaped, orange-brown insects about the size of an apple seed. They lay eggs that are yellowish-white and resemble small grains of rice. You may also find shed skins, as bedbugs molt throughout their life cycle. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to call your Tulsa exterminator.
Eliminating bedbugs
The most important step in getting rid of bedbugs is contacting a professional exterminator as soon as possible. By doing so, you’re ensuring that the latest technology, methods, and expertise are employed to effectively eliminate these pests. Bedbugs have become highly adaptable to different types of pesticides. This means that many over-the-counter treatments and older pesticides are no longer effective.
Your Tulsa exterminator has access to advanced treatments specifically designed to target bedbugs and their life cycle. They will inspect your home, determine the extent of the infestation, and apply the necessary treatments to eliminate the problem at its source. Relying on outdated methods or DIY solutions is often ineffective and can allow the infestation to worsen. That’s why reaching out to your Tulsa exterminator is the best choice for getting rid of bedbugs efficiently and safely.
Bedbugs can be a troubling problem, but with the help of your Tulsa exterminator, they can be eliminated. Recognizing the signs of an infestation early is crucial, as bedbugs are resilient and can survive in your home for long periods. By working with a professional, you can ensure that these pests are eradicated and that your home remains bedbug-free. Don’t hesitate—contact your Tulsa exterminator at the first sign of trouble to protect your home and your peace of mind.