Mice are destructive house pests that can endanger our health and with the help of the Broken Arrow Exterminator, we can put a stop to their problems. Mice are a lot smaller than other rodents but they can cause significant damage in our homes. They destroy food, books, furniture, and home appliances. Their high birth rate makes them difficult to eradicate. They can easily maintain and grow their population especially when there are no pest control measures in place to match up to their birth rate.
Worse, mice have been linked to different diseases in humans and pets. They can become vectors of different bacterial diseases which they can spread through their droppings and bodily fluids. When mice invade our kitchen and cooking area, they spread this bacteria around and can transfer them into uncovered food when they taste or eat them. It is wise to protect yourself and your family from these pests. Broken Arrow Exterminator can be of help in eliminating them.
Are You Wondering If You Have Mice in Your House?
Mice are nocturnal animals and often come out to feed at night. They make noise at night as they run around searching for food. Look out for mice droppings on floors, kitchen sink, your cooking area, pantries and food storage. They visit these places often to feed and excrete there too. Don’t be shocked if your pet scratches at walls and cabinets where mice hide. Mice make their nests from materials such as shredded cloth or crushed paper. Alternatively, you can check for mouse tracks by lightly dusting suspected locations with unscented talcum powder or mason’s chalk dust. Wait a day, then shine a flashlight over the spot. If you see little tracks in the powder, you’ll know mice were there. Contact your Broken Arrow exterminator for assistance with rodents.
Why Mice Are Hated as Pests by Broken Arrow Extrtminator
Mice are very dangerous to our health. They infect our food with diseases and cause damage to our houses. Their urine and droppings might find their way into our food and water and contaminate them. They eat food particles wherever they see them and leave crumbs around the house.
Also, ticks and fleas live on mice and can transfer diseases from these mice to humans and our pets. Diseases such as bubonic plague are transmitted to humans through these parasites that live in mice. They also destroy property as they continually gnaw on furniture and electrical wires. They do this sometimes to trim their incisors and control their growth. Mice shred paper, cartons, and other materials that we still need in our homes to make their nests. Contact your Broken Arrow Exterminator. Check out our reviews!
If you’re having trouble with rodents or any other pests, then it’s time to call your Broken Arrow exterminator who can help you. Here at TermMax pest control, we are the best in the business when it comes to dealing with rodents, or any other pests. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Coweta, Claremore, Catoosa, Owasso, Turley, Bixby, and Jenks. Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Prattville, and so much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!