Getting rid of mice in your home and preventing them from becoming a problem is what your Broken Arrow exterminator can help you achieve. House mice are one of the most troublesome rodents. They feed and contaminate our food. Their droppings in our kitchens and where we prepare food expose us to various diseases. They can carry different bacteria and other diseases that they spread to us through our food which might lead to sickness.

Mice are good climbers and can easily scale surfaces using their claws. They can also run on slim structures, such as beams. They are fast and sneaky. It’s important to understand mice and how they infest our homes so we can easily recognize them and how you and your Broken Arrow exterminator can remove them from your home.

Mice Signs

Mice are active both day and night and have a distinct musky odor. They make their nests in hidden areas in your home. These nests are made up of shredded paper in a warm corner to keep the young ones warm while the mother forages for food. Signs of droppings and fresh gnaw marks on different materials such as wires of home appliances, clothes, shoes, and paper indicate their presence. These droppings are small, dark, and are rice-like in shape. They are found near food sources or places they pass regularly.

Mice dig holes outdoors in our gardens. Pets such as cats might act strangely and show special interest in some particular areas in your home, which indicates the presence of mice. However, if you notice any of these signs, it is a strong indicator that there are mice in your home. If you notice any of these signs, it’s likely you have a mouse infestation, and should reach out to your professional pest control services.

Prevention and Control of Mice by Broken Arrow Exterminator

Effective mouse control involves three key strategies namely sanitation, mouse-proof construction, and population reduction. The first two serve as preventive measures. If your home is already infested by mice, it is important to seek ways to control or eliminate them. Maintaining cleanliness in your home and environment is a good practice to keep rodents away. Seal and block all cracks and openings in your house to prevent them from having easy access points.

Avoid leaving leftover food open in the kitchen. Additionally, you might try to solve your mice problems by visiting your hardware store to get common rodenticides, but this method might not be effective if you have a full-blown infestation. This rodenticide’s effectiveness might not match their rate of reproduction. Finally, it is important to seek professional help in handling mice. Invite your Broken Arrow Exterminator to help eliminate these pests. Check out our reviews!

If you’re having trouble with rodents or any other pests, then it’s time to call a Broken Arrow exterminator who can help you. Here at TermMax pest control, we are the best in the business when it comes to dealing with rodents, or any other pests. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Coweta, Claremore, Catoosa, Owasso, Turley, Bixby, and Jenks. Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Prattville, and so much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!

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