Keeping mice away from your home and family is a problem your Tulsa pest control services can help you handle. Mice are omnivorous and eat different kinds of food, including insects, leftover food, and waste. They are also known for chewing or gnawing through non-edible materials like books, plastics, drywall, and wood. Each mouse can feed several times a day, with some eating up to 20 or 30 times a day. Mice prefer places where they can hide. Rodents typically hide in bushes like tall grasses, shrubs, and vines. Mice often live close to humans because they find shelter in buildings such as our homes. They can also live in the wild, fields, and farmland. These pests live near where there are available food sources and where they are far from predators. In this article, let’s discuss mice, their reproductive process, and what you and your Tulsa pest control services can do to get rid of them.

Reproduction in Mice

As mammals, mice give birth to live young ones after 20 days. They produce litters of five to six babies, though they can be larger than that sometimes. A single deer mouse or house mouse can have up to a dozen litters per year, resulting in a potential yearly offspring count of 60 to 70 pups. Female mice reach sexual maturity in about a month, while males mature in about two months. This helps their population to grow faster. Their mating season is usually from early summer to late fall, but mice can breed throughout the year in our home when they are undisturbed. Newborn mice are born blind and hairless but they grow fast. They become independent after about three weeks. Despite breeding fast, mice generally have a lifespan of not more than a year if they are in the wild. They can live longer in our home. Contact your Tulsa pest control services today for assistance.

Eliminating Mice by Tulsa Pest Control

To control a mouse infestation and other rodents, start by cleaning your yard. Remove wood piles, tall grass, and fallen leaves, and regularly maintain your lawn. Keep waste in sealed containers away from your home and remove exposed food sources by sealing trash cans in your home.

Next is to invite professional pest control services to manage and prevent infestations by setting baited traps along places where mice are often seen. They will inspect your home to identify the places through which mice come in and seal any holes with wire mesh or caulk. Your Tulsa pest control services are ready and available to assist you. Check out our reviews!

If you’re having trouble with rodents, or any other pests, then it’s time to call a Tulsa pest control service that can help you. Here at TermMax pest control, we are the best in the business when it comes to dealing with rodents, or any other pests. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Coweta, Claremore, Catoosa, Owasso, Turley, Bixby, Jenks. Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Prattville, and so much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!

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