How Do Crickets Chirp?

These peaceful Oklahoma nights of summer are upon us.  I enjoy a nice evening sitting on my back porch with my wife.  We back up to a forest area, so it’s common to hear all sorts of sounds coming from the night.  Owls, coyotes, frogs and the like are common.  But…

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Why Fleas Bite Humans

Pets are part of our families.  These “fur babies” as they are called, are just as loved as the rest of the family.  But of course, they have specific issues that make them different.  The animals in our lives need our love, affection and protection.  One of the differences that dogs,…

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How Cockroaches Multiply

Insects can be some of the most persistent organisms on the planet.  And no other insect defines this as much as the cockroach.  They can survive without their head, without food for a month and they can hold their breath.  And if you’ve ever had roaches in your home (a Tulsa exterminator…

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Why Are Bees Important?

On any given sunny afternoon in Oklahoma, it is common to see bees buzzing about from flower to flower.  They are busy bees, at their favorite pastime, collecting pollen.  Even though these large insects can sting, they seldom do.  Many people fear these gentle bugs, with little justification.  The old adage…

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Will Bed Bugs Bite Dogs?

There are many insects that can act as parasites on dogs and cats.  These bugs often use their hosts for a place to live, harborage or food.  They are seldom positive for your pets.  Fleas and ticks are a great example of insects that parasite off of your cats and dogs.  …

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Do Ants Have Brains?

Ant hives are amazing little machines.  They reproduce, forage, gather and hunt for food, go to war, and protect themselves.  They are capable of so many things with so many individuals.  Yet these tiny creatures seemed to be programmed to complete tasks far larger than themselves without a clear form of communication. …

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Do Termites Eat Sheetrock?

Of all the insects in the insect world, termites have an amazing reputation.  People believe that they can eat your entire house.  They can take down a building in as little as a few hours.  Termites are impossible to get rid of.  These statements are all myths.  But one pressing…

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When Do Mice Sleep?

It’s often that I get calls about rodents scratching in the walls and attic at night.  These scurrying creatures keep home owners awake at night with their noise and the worry that they cause.  Mice and rats may be building a nest, gathering food from your pantry or kitchen, or any number of…

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Why Ticks Are Dangerous

We’ve finally hit the summer months and the weather is beautiful.  Everyone has been sheltering in place, and now parks, beaches and nature walks are starting to open up across the country.  People are more eager this year to take nature trips than they have been in a very long time.  But…

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Do Cockroaches Cause Asthma?

Asthma is a disease of the respiratory system.  According to the Mayo Clinic, it is a condition in which the airways in your respiratory system swell up and create excess mucus.  This makes it hard to breath causing coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.  Many children suffer from this disease.  But…

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