Your Tulsa pest control services will help you take care of your termite problems. Termites operate based on social structure. They live in colonies where they have different groups called castes. These castes work and communicate together and share work among themselves.

Termites are harmful to our homes but serve as cleaners and refiners of organic matter. They recycle nutrients and create habitats for other animals and plants. These insects are wonderful engineers who source their materials and sometimes build their nests in our homes. They build underground colonies with good ventilation, tunnels, and chambers. Unfortunately, termites can also be a significant pest, causing extensive damage to crops and building infrastructure. Termites have symbiotic relationships with microorganisms. This allows them to digest cellulose and other complex materials. They can be very destructive but can communicate and coordinate their behavior including nesting, foraging, and defense. Contact your Tulsa pest control company if you need your home to be investigated for termite presence.

Signs of Termites and Tulsa Pest Control

There are some signs that are noticed when termites infest our homes. The need for signs to be noticed is to prevent it from infesting our homes. There could be tunnels or mud tubes on the walls, floors, or ceilings in our home, discarded wings near windows, doors, and surfaces. Insect waste which resembles coffee or sawdust is noticed on the ground, as cracked or damaged paint due to its activity on the wall.

Termites eat into woods and make small holes, cracks, or tunnels, and dark spots or patches are seen. You can hear unusual noises around the place with termite activities, and sagging wooden floors, or ceilings due to weakened wood. Also, you can notice uneven and soft surfaces showing termite damage where doors and windows are difficult to close or open and make rustling sounds when you try to open or close them. Termites live in the home, especially in dark or hidden places in our homes. They live in plumbing near water sources, and in firewood. Regularly inspect your home for these signs and hire a professional Tulsa pest control company for a thorough termite inspection if you notice an infestation in our homes.

The Life Cycle of Termite

The life cycle of a termite starts from birth and ends with adulthood. It lasts for several months or years depending on the species or caste. The process includes the egg termite, where the queen termite lays eggs. It is usually white, translucent, and oval-shaped in its nest and central chamber. The eggs hatch into larvae. They emerge from the eggs blind, and legless, and feed on nutrients provided by the worker termites.

During their molting stage after they develop into nymphs, their skin is shed several times to develop new ones. After this process, the nymphs become workers who are responsible for foraging, caring for the young, and maintaining the nest. Some workers turn into soldiers, with enlarged heads, powerful jaws, and a more muscular build, responsible for defending the nest.

Some workers develop their reproductive organs, wings, and eyes and join the reproductive caste. They are usually the ones that start new colonies. As the queen ages, new queens may emerge to replace her, ensuring the colony’s survival. This complex social hierarchy and life cycle enable termite colonies to thrive and grow with different castes performing specialized roles in their nest. Contact your Tulsa pest control services today. Check out our reviews!

If you’re having trouble with termites or any other pests, then it’s time to call your Tulsa pest control who can help you. Here at TermMax pest control, we are the best in the business when it comes to dealing with termites, or any other pests. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Coweta, Claremore, Catoosa, Owasso, Turley, Bixby, and Jenks. Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Prattville, and so much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!

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