Termites are a problem that a pest control company can help you eliminate. These wood-destroying insects can get into your home or business and consume the structural members that make up your home. Without these structural members, you lose the structural integrity of your home and can have a very dangerous situation on your hands if not taken care of quickly. So, contacting a Tulsa pest control company to eliminate or protect your home from these is important. In this article, let’s take a good hard look at termites, their life cycle, and what you and your Tulsa pest control company can do to stop these insects from destroying your home.

Termite Colonies

The colony of termites is huge in number. Many times these termite colonies can number as many as millions of individuals. Termite colonies divide the work necessary to survive into casts. At the bottom rung are the worker termites. These termites do all the menial jobs of the colony. They will build the mud tubes, take care of the young, forage for food, take out the trash, or any other necessary jobs. Next above them are the soldiers. These insects are there to protect the colony from invaders. They have very large heads and mandibles, and if called to action, they will run straight into the fray. The workers will close off the tunnel behind them as the large head of the soldier will block off that tunnel and fight for its life. It will give its life for the colony.

Lastly, the reproductive caste makes sure that there is enough population to survive. The queen is at the top of this caste and will spend every day and every hour laying eggs in order to do this. Contact your Tulsa pest control company for more information about termites.

Eliminating Termites by Tulsa Pest Control

If you think you’re having a problem with termites, then it’s time to call your Tulsa Pest Control company. They will have the means necessary to eliminate these insects from your home. There are two basic methods that they will use. The first is to use Liquid treatment. This is where they dig a trench around your home and pour pesticide into the trench, creating a curtain of pesticide-treated dirt all the way around your home. Anytime these insects make their way inside, they’ll have to go through it. Also, bait stations are an option. These are stations with bait that the termites will take back to their colony and feed to the young, wiping out the colony. Contact your Tulsa pest control company for help with termites. Check out our reviews!

If you’re having trouble with termites, or any other pests, then it’s time to call a Tulsa pest control service that can help you. Here at TermMax pest control, we are the best in the business when it comes to dealing with termites, or any other pests. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Coweta, Claremore, Catoosa, Owasso, Turley, Bixby, Jenks. Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Prattville, and so much more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!

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