How Moles Dig

Moles are a mammal that lives under the ground in a series of tunnels.  These tunnels are dug by the mole.  Digging by this species helps to aerate the soil and keeps the ground loose.  Ever wonder how moles dig?  These furry creatures make a motion much like swimming the breast…

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How Many Pocket Gophers Live Together?

Gophers are small, subterranean rodents that burrow under the ground.  They are called pocket gophers because of the pocket of skin that is in either of their cheeks used to carry food.  How many pocket gophers live together?  Most pocket gophers prefer to live alone except when they have young.  But…

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Why Bed Bugs Smell

Bed bugs are a menace to humans.  They harbor in beds and bite at night.  These pests take a blood meal from their host in order to grow.  To determine an infestation, there are many factors.   One of the less reliable factors is smell.  But one must ask why…

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How Scorpions Survive in the Desert

Armor plated little tanks, the scorpion is a survivor.  He is specially designed to last in the most severe conditions.  These little guys are found on every continent except Antarctica, and come in over 2,000 species.  But one must wonder how scorpions survive in the desert?  Many ways.  They are…

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How Centipedes Reproduce

Centipedes and millipedes are often confused with one another.  These two insects are from different branches of the same tree, though.  But in this article, we will explore how centipedes reproduce.  The male creates a spermatophore and drops it on the ground for the female to pick up.  Once she lays…

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