Your Broken Arrow pest control company are the foremost experts on dealing with bedbugs or any other insects. These insects are blood feeders that are getting into our beds and feeding upon us when we can’t defend ourselves. They also feed your pets as well. Because they can cause you and your loved ones so many problems, these vermin need to be completely removed from your home. Dealing with bedbugs is a job that you don’t want to take on on your own. So this article is to take a good, hard look at bedbugs, their life cycle, and what your Broken Arrow pest control company could do to stop these insects from invading and eating away at you.

History of bedbug 

The bedbug started, basically, when we started. Bedbugs began back when we were still cavemen. The closest relative to the bedbug is the bat bug. These bugs feed the flow of bats as they sleep in roosts in caves. When we spec and caveman, we slept underneath these bats as they were being bitten. Some of the bugs would work their way down the walls and start to feed upon humans. These became the modern day bedbug. We have writings from different civilizations that describe the bedbug. 

There are cave paintings that have depictions of bedbugs. The pharaoh of hieroglyphics mentions bedbugs. Romans have history about them and the middle ages have spell books that use them as ingredients in their incantations. In the 1940s, we almost eliminated bedbugs. A new miracle drug came on the scene, known as DDT. DDT eliminated bedbugs in its tracks. People were down their sheets, mattresses and pillows in this pesticide.But it also caused cancer. Because of this, people decided that it was a bad idea and it was banned. But this happened before DDT almost brought bed bugs to complete extinction. Contact your Broken Arrow pest control company for help.

Dealing with bedbugs Broken Arrow pest control company

In order to get rid of bedbugs, the best way to do it is contact the Broken Arrow pest control company that can eliminate them for you. Over-the-counter solutions don’t work because insects can develop immunity to these pests very quickly. Most of the over-the-counter solutions use an active ingredient that was extensively used against these insects back in the 1990s. Most insects have already developed immunity to these solutions, which are pretty useless. Contact your Broken Arrow pest control company for help with bed bugs. Check out our reviews!

If you’re having trouble with bed bugs or any other pests, then it’s time to call a Broken Arrow pest control company that can help you. Here at TermMax Pest Control, we are the best in the business when dealing with bed bugs or any other pests. We service the greater Tulsa area, including Broken Arrow, Coweta, Claremore, Catoosa, Owasso, Turley, Bixby, Jenks, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Prattville, and more. Call today for a free estimate. We’re here to help!

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