How Do Bees Make Honey?

For hundreds of years we’ve been consuming honey. How do we know this? Archaeologists in Egypt have found pots of honey buried in tombs.   The honey found was crystalized, but after being heated was completely edible.  Honey is easily one of the longest lasting preserved foods that we have.  How do…

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What Kinds Of Ants Are There?

Ants are a common insect found inside and outside of homes.  They are from the family Hymenoptera, and are closely related to wasps and bees.  They live in large colonies and divide the work of the colony amongst the individuals in the colony by caste.  What kinds of ants are there?  …

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How Do Termites Digest Wood?

Insects eat a wide variety of food sources. Many insects are predators, and feed on other insects. Many insects are plant eaters, and feed on leaves and other portions of the plant. Still other insects choose to feed on high carbohydrate food sources such as nectar or honeydew. The termite feeds upon the cellulose found…

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How Do Cockroaches Mate?

The insect world is a prolific one.  There are millions of different species of insect.  Each of these species is uniquely designed to survive.  Cockroaches are one of those species. One of the main ways they survive is by exponential reproduction. They can infest a home very quickly and fill it with…

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How Do Bees Use Magneto Reception?

Many organisms demonstrate extraordinary abilities to navigate our planet. Birds fly south for the winter, dolphins transverse the oceans, and bees forage for food up to 12 km from their hive. How do these insects and animals know where they’re at? How do they know where they’re going? How do they know how to get…

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Why Do BedBugs Bite In A Line?

Parasites come in all shapes and sizes.  They can feed on many different plants, animals and insects.  Parasites can use other species to find food, shelter, water or some other necessity.  We as humans are not immune to parasites.  One of the few parasites that feed off of us are bed…

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Why Do Ants Smell Weird?

In the wide world of insects, ants are some of the most prolific. Every kid has played with an ant farm, or tortured a colony on the pavement. And yet ants continue to dominate our landscape. Not only are children fascinated with ants, but scientists are as well. We can tell a lot about a…

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