Cockroaches, the Plague of Humanity

Of all the insects that plague humanity, cockroaches are one of the most common insects that we deal with as a pest control company. These pantry pests often will find themselves in the same places that we are, feeding off of our food, warmth and shelter. These insects can even be dangerous, through the spread…

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Homes, Businesses and Termites

For most people today, their largest investment will be their home. This structure will be lived in for many years for a high number of people. And in the lifetime of the average person, they may only own one, two or possibly three homes. Because of this, this structure is one of the most important…

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What Do Bees Do With Pollen?

Our ecosystems are tightly knit intertwined connections between all sorts of different organisms. Animals need each other to live, plants need each other to live, animals need plants to live, and plants need animals to live. This harmonious connection between plants and animals is vitally important. One of these important connections is the role of…

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Dogs, Cats and Fleas

Each year more and more families adopt a pet. Cats and dogs are great animals to have around the home. They are loving companions that are very popular among families especially with young children. But one issue that can come up when it comes to pets are fleas. These tiny insects are parasitic in nature…

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How Does a Spider Make its Web?

In the summer and fall we see plenty of spiderwebs around our homes and in the dark places in our attic's and garages. The spiderwebs are created by tiny eight legged arachnids that find their way into our homes. These webs are a modern wonder as they're outrageously strong for their size and yet super…

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How Does A Tick Get Lyme Disease?

The summer months are full of bugs and insects that fly, crawl and dig through our yards. But one of the most dangerous insects that we have, second only to the mosquito, is the tick. These bloodsucking insects can spread many different kinds of diseases to humans through their bite. One of these diseases has…

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Keeping Mice Out for Good

In the pest control business, we find that certain pests tend to be more of a problem during specific seasons. One of those pests are rodents. Even though we often see a spike in rodent issues in the cold winter months, they can still be a problem in the summer months. Many towns and cities…

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