Why Do Scorpions Eat Their Babies?

Of all the living things that we find in the insect kingdom, I find scorpions to be the most interesting. These dry weather, hot loving arachnids have captured the hearts and minds of many young children with their armor plated good looks and dangerous tail. There are many interesting facts about these insects, but one…

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How Rodents Are The Biggest Threat To Your Composite Deck

What is composite decking made up of? Composite decking is an artificial building material composed of wood fiber, plastics, and a tiny amount of bonding agents. The mixture is heated, shaped into board lengths, and then left to cool. They are much more reliable and low maintenance than traditional plastic alternatives. Your Tulsa exterminator is…

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Broken Arrow Exterminators Against Bedbugs

Bedbugs are past that can be taken care of by a local Broken Arrow exterminator. But if you’re having problems with these, you’re probably not getting much sleep at night. These insects prey upon us when we are most vulnerable. They feed upon us when we’re sleeping. Because of this reason bedbugs can be a…

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Broken Arrow Pest Control Eliminates Termites

Your Broken Arrow pest control can protect you from the number one pest that can destroy your home. These pests consume wood in the building materials that creates our homes. They literally can tear apart the structural integrity of any building that you can find piece by piece. These insects are called termites. These wood…

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Tulsa Pest Control Eliminates Ants

Your Tulsa pest control company can help you with any issues you might have. Even though we’re working our way into the Fall, your home can still have issues with ants. We get calls all the time for late year ant problems. In fact, spring is usually the highest time when we have calls for…

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How Do Hornets Make Their Nests?

As the time of summer closes, we see less and less of wasps and bees. These insects are going into hibernation in the forests and trees. That means that they will leave behind many different artifacts of what they've done. One thing that you can find are the nests of the bald faced hornet. This…

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Tulsa Exterminator and Cockroach Treatment

As the weather gets colder, this Tulsa exterminator notices of genuine rising cockroach issues. Every year around the fall this happens. Cockroaches are tropical insect so they don't like the cold at all. For this reason it's often that we see an increase in activity during this time. So it's important to vigilantly maintain health…

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