Keeping Termites Out

So if a tree falls in the woods and no one is close enough to hear the sound, did it make a sound? And if termites eat the tree up, and no one was there to hear the sound, would these termites make the sound of munching? These are some deeply philosophical questions that honestly…

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Understanding Termites

Maintaining your home is a year-round endeavor. There’s so many things that need to be done from yard work to tree trimming to home repairs. In the midst of all this there is a silent killer. Deep underground an insect works its way towards your home in an effort to find food in a place…

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Why do Flying Ants Suddenly Appear?

The spring and summer months bring with them many different kinds of insects. Ants are one of the largest groups of insects that emerged during this time. Being part of a pest control company, ant problems are a large part of the calls that we get in especially in the spring months.  One of…

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Why Do Termites Eat Wood?

Well it's that time of year. In the late spring, I always get a number of calls about termites. These insects become aggressively active this time of year. Because of that, every year I get more calls about termites in April and May than any other time. These insects are wood destroying insects that destroy…

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Termite Protection

Termites are a constant fear for homeowners and building owners of all shapes and types. These insects prey upon our wooden built structures. They’re uniquely designed by their creator to consume wood and plant materials. Because of this, we have to be on alert when it comes to termites near our home. In order to…

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Dealing with Termite Season

Termite season is fast approaching. What exactly is termite season? To put it plainly, it’s a season when colonies seek to reproduce themselves. It’s at this time that they can be detected in the easiest of ways. Because of this many homeowners suddenly become aware that their homes have been attacked by termites. This is…

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