Do Fruit Flies Bite Humans?

The summer months are right around the corner, and flies will be coming with them. Many people experience flies in their home not only during the summer months but also during the winter as well. Fruit flies can be a constant problem. But do fruit flies bite humans? The answer is no, they don’t bite…

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Fleas and Ticks in the Winter

Last year our family brought a new member into our household. Her name is Coco, and she’s a puppy. Our little fur baby was cute as can be and we love her very much. But like most pet owners, we had certain things we had to deal with. Potty training, food choices, allergies and shots…

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The Shrinking Habitat of Rodents

Every year construction companies continue to make more and more homes and businesses available to the average person. Buildings are constantly being built. With this comes a challenge of finding renewable sources of building materials and dealing with wildlife that has lost its habitat. Of the wildlife that we find problematic, rodents are some of…

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Ants and Your Home

The insect world is a huge and vast ecosystem. In the world today, there are more insect species than there are actual human beings. Because of this, entomologists have their jobs cut out for them. Of all the insects in the insect world, the most organized is definitely the ant. Ants are insects that live…

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Dealing With Cockroaches

There are many different types of pests that infest homes and businesses on a regular basis. These pests range from rodents to mosquitoes to termites and many others. Including in these pests are stored goods invaders. These are usually insects that attempt to eat the food that we store in our pantries and storage areas.…

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