Ants in Oklahoma and More

Every year we have ant issues over and over again. Customers call dealing with these insects and trying to get rid of them from their home or office. It’s important if you’re dealing with this insect that you know of the facts when it comes to ants. Ants can be very difficult to eliminate if…

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Ants and Their Prevention

Insect populations are much greater than any of the animals. And one entomologist said that there are more insect species than there are humans on the planet. Most of these insect species have yet to be studied. But one of the most studied insects is the ant. These fascinating creatures constantly find their way into…

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Keeping Termites Out

So if a tree falls in the woods and no one is close enough to hear the sound, did it make a sound? And if termites eat the tree up, and no one was there to hear the sound, would these termites make the sound of munching? These are some deeply philosophical questions that honestly…

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Understanding Termites

Maintaining your home is a year-round endeavor. There’s so many things that need to be done from yard work to tree trimming to home repairs. In the midst of all this there is a silent killer. Deep underground an insect works its way towards your home in an effort to find food in a place…

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The Problem with Rodents

Even though we see rodents most mostly in the winter, that doesn’t mean that we don’t have issues with them in the summertime as well. These small animals are a constant nuisance that can invade your home or business. While the cold weather does tend to push them indoors, they still need to find food…

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Dealing with Bag Worms

We spend so much of our time in our yards. A big part of that time is around the trees that we have in them. Ornamental trees are a staple in every beautifully landscaped property. But we have to take care of these ornamentals and keep pests from them to keep them alive and healthy.…

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All You Need to Know about Ants

Some insects are found all across the globe. They can pretty much be found on every continent usually with the exception of Antarctica. One of those insects are ants. Ants are ubiquitous and no matter where you are, they can be just as tenacious as they are here. Homes and business owners fight them every…

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Dealing with Wasps

Summertime is a great time of year. Swimming, spending time with family, barbecues and so many other things take up our time during the summer months. But in addition to the good things that we enjoy during the summer, there are other things that come along with it. One of those are wasps. Wasps are…

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Informing Yourself on Bedbugs

A peaceful nights rest is such a valuable thing. As we sleep, it’s one of the most vulnerable times that we experience during our entire day. Because of this, it’s the worst possible place to have to deal with any sort of pest control issues. But unfortunately, the bedbug has monopolized this time in our…

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Keeping Rodents Out

The old adage of how to build a better mousetrap has been pondered by many people. But the problem remains the same. Mice and rats are an enormous issue for home and business owners. These rodents get into to our food supply, our homes and our businesses and wreak havoc. It’s important that we create…

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